Thursday, August 23, 2018

First Day of 2nd Grade

Tanner's first day of 2nd grade was yesterday- and it was quite the day! There was a severe hail storm right at pick-up time. Our car got pounded by giant hail pellets for 20 minutes and got all dented up. Then I had to wade through 6 inches of water in the parking lot to get Tanner inside the school, since they weren't letting kids go out in the hail. It was an adventurous first day! Tanner really likes his new school. 

Our New Life in Kaysville

In June, we moved across the country to start our new life in Kaysville, UT! We are so happy to be here, near family and cousins and all that fun stuff. Here are a few photos of our first couple of months here:

Friday, July 13, 2018

Graduating Residents 2018

Residency Graduation

Josh graduated from residency!!! Here are a few pictures from graduation night:

This is Dr. Brensilver, Chairman of Medicine, giving a nice little speech about Josh. At one part, he says that Josh has a "cloud" around him, and is a magnet for catastrophic events. This is because Josh seemed to get all the crazy medical emergencies when he was at work. People's health would bottom out or take a turn for the worst, and it just happened to be when he was there. As he would say, "Crap hit the fan" frequently when he was at work. So the residents gave him the name "The black cloud." Haha. But he had some really great learning experiences because of it.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Last Saturday, we went with some friends to an amusement park called Diggerland. It's a tractor-themed park. It was super fun! (Besides being 91 degrees all day)