Friday, March 30, 2012

Speed Racer

This crazy kid never ceases to amaze me. We have lots of fun exploring his new skills and trying new things.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tanner the Terrorizer

 This kid likes to terrorize my kitchen. He grabs the kitchen towels off the oven door and sucks on them, and he opens the drawers and sucks on the handles. He also likes to ram his car into your ankles, which kind of hurts. I've got my hands full!
 Tanner spends quality time with his dad. He keeps him in line when it's time to do homework.
I like this picture because it really shows how grown up he's getting. He looks so much older now than he used to.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Favorite Hangout Place

One day, I was washing dishes while Tanner was riding his car around the living room area (he finally figured out how to go forwards in it). After a while, I noticed that it had gone quiet. Tanner was nowhere in sight! I walked around the corner and found him down the hall in the bathroom, staring into the shower. I was really surprised at how fast he learned to turn corners! Ever since then, the bathroom has been his favorite hangout spot. He goes there all the time. 

I got some really good videos showing off his mad driving skills.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Having Lots of Fun

 Once again, I didn't know it was pink when I bought it... I'm such a bad mom! Anyway, this is what I bathe him in. It works okay, but we can't wait to have a bath tub this summer.

 Here are some shots of Tanner being a wild child.

 Tanner's a big boy now because he has graduated to the big kid seat in the grocery cart! No more car seat. He absolutely loves riding in the cart like this. The entire time I shop, he smiles and babbles to himself as he swings his legs and hangs on tight.
This is his vampire picture. For some unknown reason, his side teeth came in before his middle teeth up top. So strange. Where are those two middle teeth?

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I was surprised to find Tanner stuck on his mat in his car one day. He must be really strong if he could push himself over that blanket! He got really worn out from that, though, because he passed out on the mat a little while later. This is unusual because he normally only sleeps in his crib.

Cool Ear-Flap Hat

Tanner finally grew into the ear-flap hat that Grandma Niederhauser gave him. It looks so good on him! And it keeps him safe from sunburns.

This One's for Lisa

Tanner loves the cute bib that Auntie Lisa gave him! He even ate food that matched the bib- carrots!

Crab Hunting

Earlier this week, I was on the porch talking on the phone (we pretty much only get cell phone reception outside), and I saw a huge crab crawl under our neighbors' car. I told Josh about it, and he got our neighbor Shane. The two of them decided they wanted to catch it. Using a broom and a bucket, they spent 20 minutes trying to catch the thing. It was so aggressive, trying to pinch them and running under the other cars. The poor thing must have been terrified. But they let it go after the neighbor kids got to see it. It was so funny to watch them trying to catch it! It was the talk of the day at our apartments.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eating Peach Yogurt

We fed Tanner some peach yogurt the other day, and this is what he thought of it. Enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Reading a Book

Six months old is a prime time to get Tanner used to books. I really want him to like reading, so the earlier, the better! This was his first time looking at a book. He hyperventilated. (No, but really- he started breathing fast and shaking. I think the new contraption and bright colors WAY overstimulated him! Haha.) I am pretty sure he'll like books, based on his reaction to this one. What a silly kid.

This One's for Heidi & Blair

Tanner LOVES his BYU shirt! Thanks, Heidi and Blair. He looks so handsome in it. Maybe one day he'll be smart and decide to attend BYU, the best university in the world.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tanner's New Toy

This past week, we bought a cool new toy for Tanner. Our neighbors' baby grew out of it, so we bought it from them. He really likes it! He hasn't figured out how to scoot himself forwards yet, but he already knows how to scoot himself backwards in it (it has wheels). It keeps him entertained for a while. The bottom picture is just a random shot that has nothing to do with his new toy, but it needed to go on the blog somewhere because it's pretty cute.

Yummy Fruits

These are my two newest fruits from the local fruitstand. The top picture is a guava, and the bottom picture is a wax apple. Both are super delicious! I love trying new fruits. I think the guava is one of my favorites.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Getting Tangled Up

Yup. I set him on my bed this morning while I was doing my hair. It didn't take long for him to find the curtains and get himself tangled up. He clearly didn't feel bad about getting himself into trouble.

Monday, March 5, 2012


I tried a new fruit recently. It's called a soursop. The texture is like a coconut, but it doesn't taste like a coconut. I didn't like it, unfortunately. But it looks cool!

Totally Random Photos

 Tanner recently discovered his toes. He loves to suck on them. I just can't believe he's that flexible!

 This has been our family activity for the past many evenings: studying flashcards! While I quiz Josh with his flashcards, Tanner helps by keeping Josh awake. The flashcards are insane! They don't just have a simple one-sentence answer on the back-- the entire back of each note card is full of crazy stuff that Josh has to know. And we still have a couple hundred more to go before next week's midterm exams!
This morning, we went out to the porch to catch some Caribbean rain! (You can't really tell in the picture, but it was raining). Tanner obviously loved it.
This is a daily occurrence around here. At least once a day, I have to put the mat border back together because some crazy kid decided to destroy it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yesterday, Tanner and I went with some friends to a playground by Grand Anse Beach. Tanner had his very first swing ride! He really liked it. He's going to love playgrounds when he gets a little older!