Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Book of Mormon Stories

Tanner loves to build things that he sees in his Book of Mormon storybook. In the first picture, he built the hole that the people of Ammon threw their weapons into (and he threw Legos into it as though they were weapons, and he also added two towers around the hole that were probably not there in real life). In the second picture, he built Samuel the Lamanite's wall.

Apple Picking

For play group last week, we went apple picking at an apple orchard nearby. The kids had lots of fun!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Adventures of Tan & Brooke

I once found Tanner and Brooklynn having a picnic on the floor. Tanner had gotten a hold of Brooke's favorite crunchy snacks and set them on the floor in front of her so they could eat together.

Brooke likes to be just like her big brother. She's learning how to pull herself up onto furniture now, which is really fun to see.

I recently started bathing the kids together. It just seems easier because it's less work. The kids have a blast every time. It's so funny when they both start splashing each other and laughing.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pretty Dress

Brooklynn just grew into a pretty dress that Auntie Heidi gave her. She looked so pretty in it at church on Sunday! Thanks, Auntie Heidi!

Tanner's 3rd Birthday!

Tanner turned 3 on September 9! I can't believe it's been that long! He had a really great time celebrating his birthday for the last month. It was seriously drawn out for a whole month, beginning with when he discovered his tricycle in mine & Josh's bedroom. After that, it was all over. He begged for it for so long, so we finally gave it to him early. He also got more train tracks, which glorified his train set. Then, a couple weeks ago, we had cake and ice cream with Tiffany and Chauncey when they were here with us. Then last week, he got a set of Thomas wall decorations from Auntie Erin. The train tracks keep track of how tall he is. He loved it! Then on Tanner's actual birthday, we got him Wendy's for dinner and had a movie night. Then the day after his birthday, he got a birthday gift from Grandma Niederhauser. She gave him some really cool books. Talk about the best birthday month ever!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Spring Lake Beach

Last week, the kids and I went to the beach with my friend Rachel Roberts and her kids. We went  to Spring Lake Beach. I was so glad to finally go to a New Jersey beach! I had been looking forward to it all summer. It was a sunny day and perfect weather for the beach! The kids had a blast.

During the first hour, Tanner was terrified of the waves. He wouldn't go near the water, and when I was out there in the water, he had a melt down. He was screaming at me to come back. I think he was afraid for my life! So here's a picture of his meltdown.

 Here's me burying Tanner's legs in the sand.

After I buried Tanner's legs in the sand, he wanted to bury Brooklynn's legs, too. She didn't seem to mind.

 Brooklynn had a feast of sand. Delicious!

Tanner finally warmed up to the ocean during the last couple of hours. Once he became comfortable with the water, we couldn't get him out! He loved it.

Cool Photos

Tiffany and Chauncey Bratt came to visit us for the weekend (Josh's sister and her husband). Josh went with them to the BYU football game in Connecticut, and then we all went to Liberty State Park to have a picnic, toss a frisbee, and let the kids play at the playground. It was so fun to see them! We're really glad they came.

Here are the kids at Costco. Tanner thought it was pretty cool that there were two seats in the cart so that he could sit next to his baby sister.

Little Brooke is crawling all over the place now and is getting into everything.