Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Silly Brooklynn

This is Brooklynn's birthday balloon that our bishop's family brought her on her birthday. It was the source of much fun for the kids for several days. 

On laundry day, Brooklynn learned how to climb into the baskets. I thought it was funny.

 Brooklynn now likes to get onto this bike all by herself and push herself around. She is getting so big!

I gave this apple to Brooke at the grocery store so she could have something to hold or play with. By the time we got to the check out, she had eaten several chunks out of it (oops). She continued eating it when we got home. What a silly girl.

She likes to climb up onto the windowsill from the couch and look outside.

Crazy bedhead!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Brooklynn's New Walker

Brooklynn's First Birthday

 Here is Brooklynn's birthday dress from Grandma Niederhauser. She looked so pretty in it on Sunday!

 Here is the pumpkin cake I made for her. It's two bundt cakes put together with some frosting in between and an orange glaze on top. 

 When we were singing Happy Birthday to Brooklynn, she was afraid of the cake and tried to get away from it, as you can see in the above picture. Too bad for her, she was strapped down and couldn't do anything about it.

 Tanner helped her blow out the candle. 

 At first, she wouldn't touch the cake. But then I put a piece in her mouth, and once she realized it was good, she went to town on it.

 We invited some friends to celebrate with us. 

 Brooklynn got a baby doll, blocks, and books for her birthday. She also got clothes and a walker from her Grandma and Grandpa Niederhauser, and clothes from her Grandma and Grandpa Oaks. She also got an Olaf buddy from Auntie Erin.

 She was afraid of Olaf at first, but has since warmed up to him. 

Two Videos

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


 On Halloween, I made dirt cups with gummy worms. Tanner thought they were pretty cool.

Josh and Tanner carved our awesome pumpkin and put it on our doorstep. The very next day, it was destroyed by hungry squirrels.


We went trick-or-treating with some friends from our ward. We went to their neighborhood in New Providence, which was a really great place to do this. Tanner was in heaven, running along with the other kids from house to house getting candy. He kept up with the older kids and never got tired. He brought home a big haul of candy. (I forgot to bring the camera, so I had to use my phone camera. That's why these pictures are poor quality.)