Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March Madness

The kids have got some serious March madness going on... here's what's been happening this month:
 Travis face-planted right into his own spit-up. And then laughed. 

 Brooklynn's hair poofed into tight curls with the coming of humidity and spring weather.

These two kiddies went to the Summit Easter egg hunt at the park. They had a blast! (And I learned not to bring Brookie near the Easter Bunny- she's terrified of him!)

These two boys have been bonding lately. 

Travis sucks on his pinky finger on a daily basis now. He prefers that over the pacifier. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jumping Like Froggies

Baby Travis's First Meal

Travis just had rice cereal this morning for the very first time. I can't believe he's already five months old!!!

Reading Time

Brooklynn loves to read her books in her room. I filmed her reading to me. She doesn't enunciate her words very clearly yet, but if you listen carefully, you can tell that she knows a lot of words. She's a pretty smart cookie. 

Little Police Officers

These two have been playing so well together lately. They recently came up with a police officer game, riding together on Tanner's trike.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cooped Up

This is one of the things that Tanner and Brooklynn do when they are feeling a little cooped up and bored because it's too cold to play outside- Brooklynn crawls into a cupboard and Tanner shuts the door on her, and they think it's fun. 

I think it's time for spring.

Rolling Over

Here is Travis doing his latest trick-- rolling over. He does it all the time. And then he moves his legs as though he's trying to crawl. If he could just figure out how to move his arms, he would take off!