Friday, October 28, 2016

Gap Jackets- and Other Stuff

The kids got new Gap jackets from Grandma Niederhauser this fall. I took lots of photos of them to try to get the perfect one, and I couldn't decide which was the best, so I posted several. Travis makes some pretty animated faces for the camera!

 All tuckered out from playing hard!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Apple Picking 2016

On Saturday, I took the kids on our annual apple-picking trip. There are farms/orchards all over the place here, and we like to go to a different one every year. This is our 4th time (I can't believe we've been here that long!). This year, we went to Melick's Town Farm. We took the freeway there, and it was 25 minutes of bliss- the freeway was lined with brilliant red, orange, and yellow trees. It was a sight to see. I love the east coast in the fall! The kids and I had a great time walking through the apple orchard and picking bunches of apples. What a great time of year this is!

Stony Hill Corn Maze

We recently did our annual corn maze adventure at Stony Hill Corn Maze in Chester, NJ. Our good friend Richard came in from Manhattan to go with us. (The last 2 photos at the bottom are from his awesome camera.) This is a huge corn maze, and we got totally lost, but we eventually made our way out! It was a good time.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Travis's 1st Birthday

Today is Travis's 1st birthday! The silly boy can already walk, is very active, loves to explore, and loves to smile. We celebrated his birthday with an orange Halloween cake last week with Grandma Oaks. We were glad she could be here for it. Travis loved the cake! I would say that his first experience with cake was a success.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Turtle Back Zoo

When Grandma Oaks was here, she treated the kids to a trip to Turtle Back Zoo. It's a small zoo in West Orange, NJ, not far from where we live. The kids had a blast!

 The kids got to be groundhogs! And if you look closely, you can see a real groundhog just beneath them.

 There were some smelly parts of the zoo, because of the various animals and whatnot. Brookie hated the smells and plugged her nose half the time we were there. She just about lost it at the petting zoo section- the goats smelled so bad, she started crying. Poor little princess.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kidz Village

Grandma Oaks flew in to visit us last weekend, and we did a lot of fun things while she was here. On Saturday, we took the kids to Kidz Village and they had a blast! I forgot the camera, so I was using a phone camera, and most of the pictures ended up blurry. Here are a few of the best ones: