Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Silly Little Dude

 One day, I found Tanner like this in his crib-- sleeping with his bum in the air. I just don't even know what to say...
 I can't seem to stop him from doing this. He gets all wrapped up in blankets and doesn't know what to do. He likes to get himself into trouble and then wait for his mommy to bail him out.
 I was surprised one day to find that he had pulled a piece of his play mat off and was chewing on it. What a crazy kid!
 Today, Josh put a bottle in Tanner's mouth and Tanner immediately took hold of it. He fed himself the whole bottle!
Here's a toothy grin! Tanner got his second tooth yesterday. That's two in one week!


  1. what a cutie!! he's growing fast! I love the pic of him asleep with his bottom up, too funny!

  2. He is looking adorable! Good job hitting a curb! I did that last Spring too, on the way to taking Camryn to the ER. Isn't it great?
