Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Coming to Utah

 While I was packing to come to Utah, Tanner learned how to pull himself up to standing position. This photo is the first time he ever pulled himself up. That's another new skill to add to the list!

This is Tanner's first carpet experience- at the Miami airport. He loved it!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Aquarium Beach

 With finals over and plenty of time to relax, we took a trip to the beach with some friends.
 We made the mistake of leaving Tanner in the sand by himself. He ended up grabbing a handful of sand and shoving it in his mouth. But at least he was having fun!

 Even while it's play time, Tanner still needs to eat! Lunch time came around, so we took a break from the ocean to eat spaghetti. Yum! Pureed noodles, tomatoes, and beef... it couldn't get any better than that!
Josh got buried in the sand. Tanner thought it was weird to see a floating head!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bath Time

Tanner gets really excited at bath time. In this video, you can hear little splashing sounds, and that's him kicking his feet. I can't wait to see what he'll be like in a tub full of bath toys!

Being Crazy with Daddy

This is where Tanner gets his craziness from. (And even though the matching outfits are cute and all, they definitely weren't planned.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Full of Surprises

Nights in Grenada are starting to get really hot now. If I wake up in the night, I'm drenched in sweat. That's why I recently started letting Tanner sleep in only his diaper so he won't get overheated. Last night, I put Tanner down to bed at his usual time (with just a diaper on). Normally he goes right to sleep without a fuss, but last night was different. Fifteen minutes after I put him down, I heard him rustling in his crib a lot. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't asleep yet. So I went in his room to check on him, and this is what I found- he had pulled his diaper off and was rolling around his crib butt-naked. He just looked up and grinned at me. He is crazy!

Birthday Fun and... Cows?

 On my birthday, Josh had a meeting at the church, so I had a girl's night with three of my neighbor friends. It was a lot of fun! And Kensi surprised me by making a homemade cherry cheesecake! It was totally the best thing I've eaten in a long time. We had a lot of fun.

A day or two after my birthday, three cows decided to pay us a visit at our apartment complex. They just waltzed right through our gate, down our driveway, and into the yard. Where the owner was during all of this, I have no idea. So anyway, we decided to give Tanner his first photo shoot with cows. He thought it was pretty cool.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

One Year Down

 Josh is almost finished with his first year of medical school! And he has done really well so far. What a year it has been! This summer break in the U.S. will be a really great break from studying.

Josh's finals start on Monday. These are the flashcards that he has to go through before then. Yuck. And guess who gets to go through all the flashcards with him? I guess I'm just that lucky.

What Tanner's Up To

Tanner likes to eat banana puffs- those little crackers that dissolve in their mouths. He's getting really good at using his gums to chew.

Here is a tribute video to Tanner's car. We will be selling it next week, which will be way sad. It'll be weird not having it around anymore. (Really, this video isn't anything special. But I wanted to get one last video of him in it, even if it is a little boring.)

Big Scrape

Yesterday, Tanner was scooting around the living room and he decided to go under the couch. Suddenly, he started bawling. I pulled him out from under the couch and saw a huge scrape on his head. Further investigation revealed a staple sticking out from the upholstery. Oops. But he's okay- he told me so in the bottom picture. What a tough guy!