Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Around the House

 Tanner recently learned the beauty of dipping food. He likes to dip his hot dogs in ketchup. This is a common lunch around here for this little guy. Luckily he likes it, because it's cheap!

 I bought Tanner a box of crayons and a coloring book the other day. It was a good idea, because it keeps him occupied. And even when he draws all over the coffee table and floor (as seen in the pictures), it's easy to wipe off with a wet rag. The only problem is, he loses about 2 crayons a day. Now he's down to 3 crayons. I'll have to figure out a way to keep him from losing them.

Tanner was eating a snack one day, and I guess he was feeling lazy because he rested his feet on the table and lounged. What a silly boy!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha, what a cutie! and welcome to the mom ketchup club! allie would dip everything in ketchup if we let her!
