Thursday, March 27, 2014

Play Time

 Here are some pictures of the kids hanging out together. Tanner is always finding new places to build his train.

Another thrift store find! This grocery cart was a must-buy. Well, at first, I didn't want to buy it, but Tanner wouldn't take no for an answer. Like, really. He pushed it around the whole store, grabbing toys off the shelves and putting them in it as though he were shopping. Then he tried to high-tail it out the front door before paying for it. When I tried to put it back, he wouldn't let go of it. So I had no choice. But I suppose $2 for a grocery cart is a pretty good deal. Josh took the bottom picture, saying that Tanner looked like a little homeless man.

1 comment:

  1. This post seriously had me laughing so hard! Thank you for that! love the updates, your kids are such cuties!!!
