Sunday, March 8, 2015


This story was too funny to not put on the blog, so here it is: Tanner has been learning a lot lately about kangaroos from the TV shows he watches. He loves kangaroos. There is a show called Wild Kratts that has been teaching him facts about them. Well, it became obvious tonight that Tanner has been getting a little confused about things. When he was saying his bedtime prayer tonight (which he now does all by himself), he said, "Thank you for Daddy. Thank you for Mommy. Thank you for baby. Thank you for new baby coming out of Mommy's pouch." Josh and I barely made it through the rest of his prayer and good-nights with straight faces. It was probably the most hilarious thing that Tanner has ever said. So there you have it! I guess I have a baby in my pouch!

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